Friday, April 25, 2003

So I'm at an Edmonton Trappers doubleheader a couple of weeks ago with a friend. It's sort of an unexpected doubleheader, so the stadium is fairly empty. We're sitting there, enjoying the game, when a couple of guys sitting two rows behind us suddenly spot a friend they haven't seen for years. Said friend (whom I shall name 'Buddy') wanders over, and they all start comparing notes about what they've been up to for the last while.

"So what are you up to these days?" someone asks Buddy.

"I'm working in the aerospace industry," says Buddy in a tone that suggests that he is the head of NASA and has personally been to the moon several times.

"Oh yeah, what do you do in the aerospace industry," asks someone sort of dubiously.

And Buddy responds, proudly "I'm a manual fusion technician!"

The obvious question is posed by one of Buddy's friends: "What's that?"

Now, at this point, my friend (who's very smart) leans over to me and says sotto voce "He's a welder." She does this approximately 1 nanosecond before Buddy says "Well, I weld stuff together..." and is much mocked. Anyway, I guess the moral is: Don't go around calling yourself a manual fusion technician when you are actually a welder, or you will be much mocked. Yup, words to live by. For the record, the Trappers split the doubleheader.

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