Wednesday, October 15, 2003

"It" gets kicked old-school in Montreal
Violence flares in Montreal after concert cancelled
Last Updated Wed, 15 Oct 2003 17:11:14

MONTREAL - More than 100 police officers were needed to break up a riot in downtown Montreal after a punk rock concert was cancelled on Tuesday night.

Yeah, who the hell is this 'It' who keeps getting kicked, punched, pushed, knocked, hit, and fired up anyway?

Anyway, I was going to write today about the historic merger of the two right-wing parties in Canada, but what with a punk riot and Millwall's manager being fired, there were far more important things to deal with. The reason behind the above riot was the refusal of Customs to let members of the bands Total Chaos and The Exploited (see picture) into the country. Dang, why can't we get concerts by Total Chaos and The Exploited in Edmonton? Oh right, 'cuz they're not allowed into the country.

I will deal with the Alliance-Tory merger at another time.

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