Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Holy Shit! Do I ever have to inject some life into this puppy. Either that, or hit it over the head with a shovel and bury it in the backyard. Well, I guess I'll do the injecting with life thing. Or try to. So what have I been up to for the past month just about? Well...

1. Being a witness at my brother's wedding. It went really well - no fights or anything like that. The wedding itself was a small ceremony, actually performed during the Sunday mass at my mother's church. She celebrated, and my Dad came out from Ontario for it, so all was well and good. There were various parties and festivities surrounding the event. It was a bit odd to see the church on Sunday with a large number of the shaved-tattooed-pierced brigade in attendance in addition to the regular congragation. Anyway, that was thing one.

2. I sort of patched things back together with my soccer head coach, so I will be behind the bench for the coming season. I'll give him credit - he is at least trying to do the right thing. However, I'm not really looking forward to this season. I don't know if it's because of what happened this summer, or because I'm already swamped, time-wise, or what. We'll see how it shapes up when we actually get on the pitch, but I'm feeling like this may be the swan-song for me in terms of coaching, at least for a while. My Friend From Prince George has an injured knee this season, so there's a chance that she'll be assuming some of the coaching duties, which will be great.

3. I survived another rush week at the Bookstore. No more need be said about that...

More to follow!!

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