Thursday, October 23, 2003

Assholes Run Amok in Edmonton Again

Stickmen using billboards to attack mayor
Edmonton - The Stickmen are again targeting the city's mayor with a cheeky billboard campaign.

The political group, fronted by two-time mayoral candidate Mike Nickel, is taking shots at Mayor Bill Smith with a sign near city hall.

"There's nothing more pathetic than a man with sight, but no vision," the billboard reads. "Where's your vision Bill? Perhaps being a good booster is not enough."

Actually, Mike, there's nothing more pathetic than you, you greedy, treacherous, cowardly piece of shit. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Bill Smith, but the Stickmen are emblematic of everything that's wrong with politics today. From their anonymous attacks (yeah, we pretty much know who they are, but that wasn't their doing) on public servants, to their sneering self-righteousness and contempt for their fellow Edmontonians, they are truly scum in every way. I'm tempted to vote for Bill next time out just to spit in their faces.

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