Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Talking to a friend of mine last night about this whole Book of Erotic Fantasy thing, and he was pretty much aghast. His main problem with the BoEF was the unnecessariness of it all. He also pointed out that although the Book of Vile Darkness did have a big old (im)mature content label on it, it was not an entire book devoted to sex in the game. And I have to concur in some ways. I mean, our Tuesday evening game has a minor sexual component to it (by which I mean that, at least one character has had sex in the course of the game), and we haven't really needed an enormous sourcebook to do it with. It's just occasionally part of role-playing. Furthermore, we haven't felt the need to go into description of what's going on, or roll dice, or use tables, or anything of that nature (and there hasn't been any heh-heh, heh-heh, heh-heh laughter, either). So, where I'm leaning right now towards saving my money and staying away from Mr. Valterra's book. I shall be interested, however, to see what the reviews have to say.

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