Tuesday, May 27, 2003

By Steve Levin, Post-Gazette Staff Writer

A nationwide e-mail campaign against the local Make-A-Wish Foundation has been organized by a family values organization that claims the Pittsburgh chapter accepted donations from "pornographic programs" during a recent comic book convention.
The e-mail campaign was organized by the nonprofit American Family Association, formed in 1977 by the Rev. Donald E. Wildmon to promote traditional family values in the news media. The association's Web site (www.afa.net) provides links to both the national and local Make-A-Wish foundations in its Action Alert section under the headline: "Make-A-Wish defends chapter's porn convention proceeds."

Oh this is just charming. I knew the AFA people were scum, but attacking an organization that helps terminally ill children is low even for them. They ought to be ashamed of themselves, but all know they won't be, as people like that have permanently lost the ability to feel shame, contrition, responsibility, or pretty much anything except spite and bile. However, a quick look at their website did give me one good chuckle:

Three and a half years ago, Iowa Family Policy Center (IFPC) helped convince Kum & Go convenience store owners to remove hard and soft-core pornography from their 313 convenience stores. At the time, Kum & Go said their "corporate moral ethos" prevented them from selling such material any longer, but now it's back. Despite the avalanche of phone calls they have received from Iowans who have asked them to take it back out, Kum & Go continues to sell pornographic magazines in their stores.

You know, I can't imagine not being able to buy porn in a place that calls itself "Kum & Go."

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